person sitting looking out window dealign with seasonal depression

What Is Seasonal Depression?

Seasonal depression is a subtype of major depressive disorder (MMD) that has a seasonal onset. While some people experience seasonal depression during the spring and summer, it is more common in the fall and winter. Seasonal depression is different from the winter blues, a mild form of depression specific to the period between Thanksgiving and…

woman struggling with seasonal depression and in need of programs for depression

Do I Have Seasonal Depression?

Seasonal depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is depression that gets triggered by the changing seasons. SAD typically has an onset in the fall when the days are shorter and darker, and the weather makes it more difficult to spend time outdoors. Seasonal depression usually gets worse over the winter months and resolves…

Symptoms of Depression

The Physical Symptoms of Depression

Major depression is a severe mental health disorder marked by a perpetual depressed mood, diminished interest in activities, and impaired daily functioning. Treating depression involves a combination of psychotherapy and medications. Most people are aware of the emotional symptoms of depression, but depression has physical symptoms as well. Many people, including doctors, often miss the…

a group benefits from residential mental health treatment

When Is Residential Mental Health Treatment Necessary?

According to estimates, nearly one in five adults in the United States is suffering from a mental health disorder at any given time. Of the millions affected, roughly half will never receive treatment. For those who seek treatment, the different levels of care and types of programs to choose from can make selecting the best…

a man struggles with alcohol and depression

Does Alcohol Amplify Depression Symptoms?

Depression and alcohol abuse affects millions of people worldwide. While it cannot be said that one causes the other, the two are deeply interconnected. Estimates predict that nearly one-third of people who suffer from major depression also have an alcohol use disorder. In many cases, alcohol abuse is a symptom of depression, as individuals turn…

a man ponders a mental health treatment program

Signs You Need Mental Health Treatment

Mental health encompasses our psychological, social, and emotional well-being. It affects our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and factors into how we relate to others, handle stressful situations, and make decisions. When our mental health suffers, it can negatively impact all areas of our lives. Mental health disorders are common, affecting millions of people every day.…

a woman explains which mental health treatment may work for her client

Which Mental Health Treatment Program Is Right for Me?

If you have decided to seek mental health treatment, you have already taken the most important step, recognizing the need for help. Mental illness affects millions of Americans from all age groups and walks of life, and symptoms can range from mild to severe. In recent years the health care community has worked hard to…

man at a dual diagnosis treatment program

What Is a Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program?

A dual diagnosis treatment program addresses the needs of co-occurring disorders. Mental health issues like depression and substance use disorder or addiction frequently happen together. To seek recovery for either, though, requires getting simultaneous treatment for both. Since not all rehab facilities provide dual diagnosis treatment, you need to know why this service is critical…