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The world is aware of the opioid epidemic. Still, the general public does not understand the suffering and day-to-day struggles of the people locked in the grip of opiate addiction. People don’t realize how easy it is to slide into opiate addiction until it happens to them. Harmony Hills offers a rigorous, research-centered, practical approach to opiate addiction treatment and recovery. Our inpatient and outpatient opiate addiction treatment program uses medical detox, holistic therapy, and engaging leisure activities, such as swimming and sports therapy to help people overcome addiction. Our committed team will provide residents with the tools they need in order to take back their lives. Attending treatment for addiction is inconvenient, but the alternative is worse.
In the developed world, patients can recover from serious medical procedures more comfortably using opiates. At Harmony Hills, we view pain management as a skill; when you don’t use it, you lose it. Opiates alleviate the most severe pain and all minor pain. Examples of opiates include:
After extended periods of use, when the brain becomes reliant on opiates, people lose their ability to handle the pain and stress of everyday life. If your brain is telling you that you are in unbearable agony, your natural response will be to alleviate it. The problem is that in addition to providing pain relief, opiates prohibit individuals from performing basic tasks and living fulfilling lives. A person dependent on opiates suffers from basic social, occupational, and survival impairments. Taking too many opiates eliminates the brain’s drive to breathe. A drug detox center program can help you get the tools and support network you need. We also have an extensive medical and psychological team in order to treat co-occurring mental health conditions.
Codeine is made using extractions from the opium poppy plant. It is often prescribed to treat short-term mild to moderate pain. Cancer and palliative care patients have sometimes been prescribed codeine for chronic pain, but the use of codeine for other types of chronic pain (back pain, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, headache, etc.) is controversial because codeine is highly addictive. Codeine can be injected or taken orally (liquid, controlled-release tablet or immediate-release tablet). Adverse effects include nausea, respiratory depression, sexual dysfunction, hypersensitivity, weakness, urinary retention, edema, blurred vision, fatigue, tremors, and abdominal cramps. Long-term users sometimes believe that they need codeine to treat the symptoms that the drug causes. If you or a loved one is seeking treatment for codeine addiction in central Florida, we hope you will consider our life-changing residential treatment center.
Morphine (a natural opiate alkaloid derived directly from the opium poppy plant) is approved by the FDA to treat moderate to severe pain (acute and chronic). Morphine is essential in palliative (end-of-life) pain management, active cancer treatment, and vaso-occlusive pain during a sickle cell crisis. Morphine is also prescribed for short-term and emergency pain management and sedation. Morphine can be administered orally with pills, liquids, and quick-dissolve tablets. I can also be taken intravenously through an IV or through an injection. It can also be snorted and inserted into the rectum. Morphine is highly addictive; patients genuinely believe that they will die without it. Side effects of morphine include constipation, nausea, urine retention, agitation, sexual dysfunction, dry mouth, euphoria, dysphoria, lightheadedness, sedation, and dizziness, hypotension, and skin rashes. Harmony Hills offers the best morphine addiction treatment in the Orlando area.
Doctors have been overprescribing opiates for years. Becoming dependent on opiates is not a result of weakness or lack of willpower. The brain naturally wants the body to be comfortable. Anyone who takes prescription opiates is at risk of developing dependency. At Harmony Hills, you will work through the stages of recovery with an individual therapist and a therapy group to help you heal. Contact Harmony Hills at 855.494.0357 to learn more about the best opiate addiction treatment in Florida.