Person talking to their therapist about CBT techniques

What You Learn in A CBT Program

Added By Harmony Hills Harmony Hills Published: October 4, 2023 Updated: March 28, 2024 It’s common for people to have problems maintaining their mental health, but it’s important to seek help when these problems become overwhelming. One effective form of therapy for managing mental health is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a type of talk…

a person talks to a therapist about complex ptsd treatment centers

How to Find the Best Complex PTSD Treatment Center

Added By Harmony Hills Harmony Hills Published: September 14, 2023 Updated: September 28, 2023 Most people have heard of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but fewer are familiar with complex PTSD or C-PTSD. Complex PTSD is caused by chronic or prolonged trauma. Individuals with C-PTSD have the core symptoms of PTSD – re-experiencing, hyperarousal, and avoidance…

woman thinking about how to overcome trauma

How To Overcome Trauma

Added By Harmony Hills Harmony Hills Published: August 31, 2023 Updated: August 11, 2023 Psychological and emotional trauma responds to an event that is very disturbing or stressful and challenges a person’s sense of security. During a traumatic event, the body’s natural defenses take over and create a stress reaction known as the fight or…

a patient sees a doctor for medication for anxiety

How Can Medication Help My Anxiety?

Added By Harmony Hills Harmony Hills Published: August 21, 2023 Updated: August 29, 2023 Understanding that you’re not alone and that help is available can make all the difference when living with anxiety. Medication for anxiety, when used in conjunction with therapy, can play a transforming role in managing your anxiety symptoms. These drugs help…

a person comforts someone who looks stressed and tells them about rebt and depression

What Mental Health Conditions Can REBT Treat?

Added By Harmony Hills Harmony Hills Published: August 9, 2023 Updated: March 28, 2024 When it comes to mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) can provide a powerful avenue for healing. But what is REBT? And how does it help treat these common issues? Let’s take a closer…