If you have a loved one with addiction difficulties, you likely want to help them in any way you possibly can. Unfortunately, for many people with addictive behavior, stopping is not always first and foremost on their minds. Hosting an intervention is an option. If you are unsure about the process, read on to gain tips from Harmony Hills, so you are prepared if you decide to take this step for someone you care about.
What An Intervention Is All About
An intervention is a meeting between someone struggling with addiction and those who care for them. It is prepared by those who support the addict. Each person who cares for the person has the chance to speak about their concerns to the addict. This method is done in the hope that the person with an addiction agrees to seek treatment at an alcohol addiction treatment center immediately.
Preparing For The Intervention Is Important
Hosting an intervention requires planning. If you fail to take this step, the entire session is at risk of failure. Each person involved needs to be on board with the tasks they will be taking, so there is no room for error. Because of this, an intervention should not be held without a few meetings beforehand with those involved with the process. Designate a time to meet with other family members and friends of the person with the addiction. This way, answers to questions are obtained before the intervention date, ensuring that the family therapy program has a better chance of a favorable outcome.
Find The Right Spot For The Process
When it is time to host an invention, the location must be comfortable for your loved one. If they feel threatened in any way, there is more of a chance that they do not stick around to hear everything their friends and family members have to say to them. A familiar spot is desirable rather than one where the addict had not been previously. Ensure there is a way for the addict to get out of the location if they feel inclined. The intervention’s purpose is not to make the addict feel vulnerable or trapped, but instead to allow them to meet with loved ones to hear their concerns.
Keep The Intervention Structured
Each person addressing the addict has an opportunity to speak from the heart for as long as they need to. This is therapeutic for loved ones and gives the addict a true sense of how much support they have regarding their behavior. Encourage each person to speak to have notes to reflect upon if they become nervous and ensure they do not forget to address key points. After each person speaks, allow the addict to speak up about their own concerns about what they had just heard. This back and forth banter helps the addict to realize the importance of obtaining substance abuse treatment.
Provide For Immediate Treatment
If the addict indicates they are ready for a treatment program, they must leave for a rehabilitation facility immediately. If possible, have a bag packed with their belongings, so transport to the facility is done right after the intervention comes to a close. Provide the addict with information about Harmony Hills to be aware of the services we have available. Some of our programs include:
- Medical detox program
- Mental health treatment therapies
- Relapse prevention therapy program
- 12-step therapy program
- Individual therapy program
- Group therapy sessions
- Alumni program
We are dedicated to helping anyone who struggles with addiction with a mix of traditional and holistic options. We believe that education is the key to learning why addiction occurs. If you are interested in learning more about us, please contact us at 855.494.0357.